DM587 (E24) - Scientific Programming

General information


  • Semester overview: , ,


Introductory Classes

Week Date Topics and Slides Suggested reading
43 Oct 21 Python - Part 1: basics, data types, control flow App A, B and ch 1-3 of [HJ1]; [DB]
43 Oct 24 Python - Part 1b: std library, OO progr. App A, B and ch 1-3 of [HJ1]; [DB]
44 Oct 28 Python - Part 2: exceptions, file i/o, numpy Ch 4,6 of [HJ1]; [NS]
44 Nov 29 Python - Part 3: graphics, data viz, pandas Ch 5,8 of [HJ1]; Sc 6.3-6.5 of [AR]; (Ch 9 of [HJ2])
45 Nov 4 Least Squares Data Fitting [MC]; Sc. 6.3-6.5 of [AR]
46 Nov 11 Graph Isomorphism and Molecules
47 Nov 18 From Random Polygon to Ellipse
48 Nov 25 Page Rank
49 Dec 2 Principal Component Analysis and Eigenfaces
50 Dec 9 Linear Programming and Numerical Methods

Exercises and Assignments

Week Sheet Topic Solutions Assignments
43   Python, Part 1 and 2    


Other References: