DM587/DM579 (E23) - Scientific Programming

Assignment 1: Vector and Matrix

Submission Deadline: Thursday, November 9 2023, at 10:00

In this assignment you are asked to implement your own Vector and Matrix types in Python and to compare them with Numpy array type implementations.

In your git repository you will find a new directory asg-vecmat with the following specifications files that you will need to edit: and In addition, you will find the file that will use your implementations to carry out the comparison with NumPy implementations. The files and are for an optional part of the assignment.

Your job is to implement the appropriate methods for the classes Vec and Mat such that the functions in the doctest examples and those in, that use the operators with objects from the Vec and Mat classes, work correctly. To facilitate your task the procedures that you have to finish implementing have been moved out of the class where they are called. Hence you should make no changes to the class definition. Your code for a procedure can include calls to other procedures that you have implemented.

The table below resumes the functions that are used for the different operators:

operation syntax function
vector addition u+v __add__
vector negation -v __neg__
vector subtraction u-v  
scalar-vector multiplication alpha*v __rmult__
division of a vector by a scalar v/alpha __truediv__
dot-product u*v __mult__
getting value of an entry v[d] __getitem__
setting value of an entry v[d] = . __setitem__
testing vector equality u == v __eq__
pretty-printing a vector print(v) __str__
copying a vector v.copy() copy

You can test if your modules pass all their doctests from a console, by typing

python3 -m doctest



To benchmark your implementations against those from Numpy you can call:


You can vary the size of the matrices to observe the growing rate of computation time but you should otherwise not edit file

Your code will be tested and graded on a different test set than the one in the docstring of the files provided.

Assertions: For most of the procedures to be written, the first statement after the docstring is an assertion. Executing an assertion verifies that the condition is true, and raises an error if not. The assertions are there to detect errors in the use of the procedures. Take a look at the assertions to make sure you understand them. You can take them out, but you do so at your own risk. If you complie your script with the flag -O assertion statements are ignored.

Sparse Vectors and Matrices (Optional)

This part is associated with the files and

A vector (matrix) most of whose values are zeros is called sparse vector (matrix).

Sparse representation: To represent sparse vectors and matrices in Euclidean spaces, it might be useful to regard them as functions from a domain $D$ to a co-domain $\mathbb{R}$. For example the vector $ [3.14159, 2.718281828, −1.0, 2.0] $ can be represented as the function:

\[\begin{array}{lcl} 0 &\mapsto & 3.14159\\ 1 &\mapsto & 2.718281828\\ 2 &\mapsto & -1.0\\ 3 &\mapsto & 2.0 \end{array}\]

For a matrix the domain $D$ is made by the product of a domain $R$ for the rows and a domain $C$ for the columns. For example, the identity matrix of size $3\times 3$ can be seen as the function that maps the pairs $(r,c)\in R\times C$ where $R=C=\{1,2,3\}$.

\[\begin{array}{lcl} (0,0) &\mapsto & 1\\ (1,1) &\mapsto & 1\\ (2,2) &\mapsto & 1 \end{array}\]

All other elements of the domain $R\times C$ are mapped to zero and do not need to be explicitly stated.

Functions like these can be represented in Python by dictionaries, where the keys are elements from the set $D$ or tuples from the set $R\times C$ and values are the corresponding values from $\mathbb{R}$.

Sparse vectors and matrices are implemented in Python in the module scipy, which contains the numerical code for operations on arrays (see difference between numpy and scipy. Here you find a short introduction to sparse matrices in scipy.

Your task is to implement in and methods that can cope with sparse representations, For example, getitem(v, k) should return a value from the vector function v.f for every domain element k even if k is not a key of v.f.

However, your methods do not need to make any effort to retain sparsity when adding two vectors. That is, for two instances u and v of Vec, it is okay if every element of u.D is represented explicitly in the dictionary of the instance u+v. Several other procedures need to be written with the sparsity convention in mind. For example, two vectors can be equal even if their .f fields are not equal: one vector’s .f field can contain a key-value pair in which the value is zero, and the other vector’s .f field can omit this particular key. For this reason, the equal(u, v) procedure needs to be written with care.